Fotograf Jacob Ehrbahn

Jacob Ehrbahn har siden 2015 foretaget op mod 20 rejser for at dække fronterne i flygtningekrisen med sit kamera. Disse fronter flytter sig hele tiden som direkte konsekvens af den europæiske flygtningepolitik, når nogle ruter åbner og andre lukker, og når nogle europæiske lande tager imod flygtninge og migranter, mens andre forsøger at undgå det. Der er fotoserier fra Lesbos, hvor de første gummibåde kommer i land i 2015, af ngo-skibes redningsaktioner på Middelhavet, fra et svensk asylcenter, fra Paris’ gader og fra grænseovergange i Grækenland, Tyrkiet, Serbien, Ungarn, Bosnien-Herzegovina og Frankrig.

Denne aften kommer Jacob Ehrbahn til Grundtvigs Højskole for at vise sine billeder og fortælle om sine oplevelser.

Tidspunkt: tirsdag den 12. oktober kl. 19:30
Sted: Foredragssalen, Grundtvigs Højskole
Pris: 50,- kroner

Vi forventer, at gæster udefra er vaccinerede mod COVID-19 eller kan fremvise en gyldig negativ test.

Caption 15: This refugee boat has been at sea for three days and has run out of gasoline, food and water. The previous day three passengers died and were washed overboard.
The approximately 130 passengers are in a state of panic. They beg the Sea-Watch volunteers in the motor boat to come closer, to help them. Some begin to shout and refuse to stay seated. A fight ensues. The people are so desperate that the rescue volunteers are afraid that a deadly chaos will follow, if they begin handing out life jackets or try to transfer people to the motor boat. Instead, they fuel the refugee boat and order the passengers to sail to the rescue ship, Sea-Watch 2 themselves.
The Mediterranean Sea, SAR-zone outside Libyan waters, 06.12.2017

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) estimate that 35 to 40 percent of the residents of the Moria camp are children.
Zaynab Aboud is five years old. She fled with her grandparents from Idlib, a town in Syria that has been devastated by war. Her mother died from a bomb explosion when Zaynab was three months old. Her father has already moved to Turkey, so that is where she and her grandparents are going. They have been living in the Moria camp for five months. 11 March 2020

The last residents of the Moria camp salvage what they can and leave the burning ruins. No deaths related to the fire have been reported.
September 10, 2020